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Monthly Archives: June 2021

7 benefits of oats that help lose weight

7 benefits of oats that help lose weight

Everyone knows that useful breakfast menu And it doesn’t take long to make like that oatmeal. It is a breakfast menu that is becoming very popular right now. Because oats contain complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber and are also gluten-free*, they are highly nutritious. Oatmeal will help you lose

Collagen supplements are good and what help?

Collagen supplements are good and what help?

Collagen is the main building block for proteins that build tissues in the body such as bones, skin, cartilage, hair and nails. It is widely believed that supplementing with collagen can improve our health. have and help solve problems related to the body from increasing age Some

Keto menu for weight loss

Keto menu for weight loss

What is ketogenic? Ketogenic or Keto menu it is a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) based primarily on good fats. to burn fat already accumulated in our body By focusing on 75% less fat, 25% protein, carbohydrates from Vegetables that keto people eat 5%. We will start to lose weight when the

How to make hand sanitizer, DIY

How to make hand sanitizer, DIY

Hand sanitizer. It is well known that now We live in an era where germs are all around us. It is very easy for us to get those pathogens into our bodies. both nasal breathing and touching things that are the source of germs when touched We may accidentally rub our

10 ways to get fit and firm for lazy people

10 ways to get fit and firm for lazy people

Fit and firm when it comes to exercise, it sounds great, right? But doing it for real is another matter. Most of the time, if you’re lazy, you’ll always have an excuse to look good. It’s too cold to go out. too hot to go out too windy to run Or

5 Foods To Help You Weight Loss

5 Foods To Help You Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss We caution you about calories. Because some people cut calories a day until the body has nothing to use for energy, so “you should try to eat a balanced diet. So you get the right amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.” Ideally,

Clean breakfast menu, easy to make, low calories

Clean breakfast menu, easy to make, low calories

Clean breakfast menu. From the previous swelling that we have introduced about Clean, low-calorie food menu for some health. Today we will introduce a breakfast menu that is easy to make. It doesn’t take long. Anyone can do it. Suitable for people who are controlling weight and love

Atkins diet, focusing on protein and fat

Atkins diet, focusing on protein and fat

The Atkins diet is a low-carb diet. Therefore suitable for people who are trying to lose weight. You can eat as much protein and fat as you want. As long as you avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates. The Atkins diet was originally considered bad and was attacked

Injection instructions cervical cancer vaccine

Injection instructions cervical cancer vaccine

Cervical cancer vaccine, Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in Ufabet Thai women, with the highest rate being 35-50 years old. According to the cancer registry survey in 2019, there have been patients with cervical cancer. New cases up to 5500 people, or

5 steps to build muscle fast and to get bigger muscles

5 steps to build muscle fast and to get bigger muscles

Increasing muscle mass naturally takes some time. And it might take a long time for some people. How fast you can gain muscle depends on your age, gender, testosterone levels, among other factors. Many people understand that when getting older Building muscle is like wasting time. which is not true Research