Many people who are avid exercisers Probably through exercises with a variety of exercises machines for building muscles, but many people who even have time to go to the gym have almost no time. Going there always seems to have obstacles. Don’t feel nervous. that the belly is firm like that celebrity This model, if you have one, you probably have to wait for the next life, right?… You don’t have to wait until the next life. because we can sculpt a firmer belly in this life with the technique of tightening the abdomen and reduce belly in only 10 minutes
These abdominal exercises It helps to strengthen your core muscles which are the muscles that surround your body. But before you start doing abdominal toning exercises. Don’t forget to create fuel by warming up your body lightly first, and if you’re ready Let’s get started
1. Lower abdomen and sides, Stomach Crunch
Goal: The outermost abdominal muscles. and the sides of the body (abdominal muscles)
- lying on your back
- Knees bent, both feet flat on the floor.
- hips apart
- Put your hands on your thighs. Or cross it over the chest or behind the ears.
- Slowly bend over to your knees. until your shoulders are about 3 inches from the floor.
- Stay in that position for a few seconds and slowly relax.
- repeat 12 times
- Don’t bend your neck to your chest as you get up.
- Don’t take your head off the floor.
2. Ablique Crunch
Goal: Oblique Muscles
- lying on your back
- Knees bent, both feet flat on the floor.
- hips apart
- Turn your knees sideways. to attach to the ground
- Place your hands on your chest or behind your ears.
- Slowly bend over to your hips. until your shoulders are about 3 inches from the floor.
- Stay in that position for a few seconds and slowly relax.
- repeat 12 times
- Don’t bend your neck to your chest as you get up.
- Don’t take your head off the floor.
3. Abdominal reduction posture, add six pack plank
Goal: Lower back and core muscles, or “Six Packs” (Lower back and core muscles).
- prone
- Bend your arms and place your palms on the floor.
- Extend your arms and push your body above the floor (do it like a push-up).
- Hold for 5 – 10 seconds or more.
- Repeat 8-10 times.
- work more efficiently
- finding exercise mats This will help keep your knees on the ground well. And prevent friction between the skin and hard surfaces too. Don’t let your lower back drop to the ground.
- while doing that should look at the ground
- Make sure to contract your abs, hips, and buttocks so that muscles can do it.
4. Six Pack Side Plank Addition
Goal: Lower back and core muscles, or “Six packs” (Lower back and core muscles).
- lying on his side
- Legs straight, and with your elbows on the side you’re on your side and on the floor, lean on the ground.
- The other arm rested on his waist. Or it can be placed behind the neck.
- raise yourself above the floor
- Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds and repeat 8 – 10 times.
- Repeat, switch to the other side.
- Lift your hips forward during this exercise.
- Don’t let your lower back drop to the ground.
- finding exercise mats This will help keep your knees on the ground well. and prevents friction between the skin and hard surfaces as well
5. Stomach Crunch with Legs Raised
Goal: The portion of the abdomen between the navel and pubis, or the “lower abdominals”.
- lying on your back
- Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. hips apart
- Place your hands on your chest and gently pull your knees toward your chest, bending at 90 degrees until your hips and coccyx are lifted off the floor.
- Hold it in that position for a moment. and then slowly lowered the level
- do 12 times
- Don’t put your neck into your chest. as you lift yourself up
- Do not pull your neck with your hands while exercising. Keep your hands close to your chest.
- finding exercise mats It helps prevent slipping. and protect your back from hitting hard ground